Data Retrieval

As well as the core and side missions that correspond directly to the franchise featured in a specific release, players are also invited to collect missions from the worlds they see as they travel through the systems. These are known as planetary missions and are often much shorter, perhaps stretching to two missions of five objectives, or maybe just one mission of between six and eight objectives.

What is particularly rewarding about these missions is that they allow the writer to play with ideas and stories that work to provide compelling little glimpses into the lives of worlds and characters of the Trek universe, as well as having a little bit of fun with the lore.

Below is the opening objective of a mission that focuses of the iconic character Seven of Nine, before she actually became Seven of Nine, in this instance as Borg unit Two of Three.

If you would like to read a full version of the manuscript for this mission, contact me through email and I will happily provide you with a copy.